Tim Rieskamp-Goedeking wins Championat of Münster

Tim Rieskamp-Goedeking (RV Westerkappeln-Velpe-Lotte-Werse) won the LVM Insurance Prize at the AGRAVIS Cup in Münster on Saturday. The 40-year-old show jumper won the jump-off with a clear round on Coldplay against Katharina von Essen (ZRFV Albachten) with C-Loona NRW and Patrick Bölle (RV Ahlhorn) with Caramba de Janeiro. They also remained without faults in the 2nd qualification for the Grand Prix on Sunday.
"Coldplay is in very good shape. That was already the case in Oldenburg and Frankfurt," said Rieskamp-Goedeking, referring to the very successful indoor season so far with his 14-year-old stallion. The pair won the Grand Prix at the AGRAVIS Cup in Oldenburg at the end of October and the Championships in Frankfurt shortly before Christmas. Rieskamp-Goedeking had last won the second most important jumping competition at the indoor tournament in Münster in 2012. According to Katharina von Essen, she did not do that much differently than in the 1st qualification, the Derby Pferdefutterpreis, on Friday. After 20 penalty points the day before, the poles all stayed down on Saturday. "The horse needed a bit of time to get used to the atmosphere," the Amazon explained the clear improvement in performance.

Patrick Bölle had managed the feat of qualifying for the jump-off with two horses. With the mare Susanne, it didn't go quite as well with eight penalty points. "I gladly accepted the chance to ride two horses in the jump-off. The stress was kept within limits. Caramba coped with the conditions better than expected." Heinz Gressel, Member of the Board of LVM Insurance, paid his respects to all the riders. "It was a pleasure to see how rider and animal harmonised." The audience's approval and the emotional jump-off showed that it had been the right decision to support a large jumping competition at the AGRAVIS Cup for the first time.

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