Rider and horse over the jump
Rider and horse over the jump © Rubly


Up to 25 pairs of horses and riders take part in a hunting ride, which is a group ride over a cross-country trail (usually 15 to 25 km long) with natural obstacles. Traditionally the riders wear a red hunting skirt with white/ beige riding trousers, a plastron (white silk scarf), black hunting boots and of course a riding helmet. The so-called master rides in front of the group, he sets the pace and must not be overtaken.

There are different forms of a hunting rides:

  • The drag-hunt: In front of the pack, a pack of hounds follows a previously laid, artificial track. The pack of horse and rider pairs follows the pack over an off-road track. Nowadays, draghunting is carried out as a leisure activity and for the care of a cultural asset. The hunt ends with the "Halali" call. Afterwards, a ceremonial "curée" takes place, where the dogs are rewarded with a piece of rumen, while the riders gathered in a circle take off their cap.
  • The fox hunt: This hunt takes place without a pack of dogs. At first the pack follows the master over the cross-country track. After crossing the cross-country track, the fox tail grab is performed. A rider takes over the role of the fox, attaches a fox tail (fuse) to his shoulder and tries to escape the hunting pack. The riders of the pack try to take the fuse from the fox. So there is a certain competition character here.
Hunting © Johann Ehm from pixabay

As hunt-horses, all horse-races can be used in principle, with what the English and Irish hunter are bred especially for hunts.
It is rather important that the individual horse is suitable for hunting in terms of health, condition and temperament. A horse must be trained for a hunt, it should have a certain basic condition and be trained in jumping terrain obstacles. The temperament of the horse should be neither too phlegmatic nor too high in blood. The rider should be trained at an advanced level, especially in cross-country and show jumping.

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