Cantering horse
Cantering horse © Benkert

Meaning of the tact

The fundamental basis for the development of thrust is the tact of the horse under the rider.

It is not for nothing that the tact is at the top of the training scale. The development of the thrust force only begins at the second point of the scale, when the rider is relaxed. If the movement of the horse is afflicted with tact mistakes, it is impossible to let the hindquarters work correctly under the centre of gravity. On the other hand, excessive demands on the thrust force can only lead to tact mistakes if the balance is insufficient.
In order to check the rhythm, the rider has to feel his way into the horse.
The beat describes the spatial and temporal balance.
That means the rider has to feel if the horse is making steady steps, kicks and jumps or if, for example, one leg is shortened. In addition, the rhythm and the movement pattern of the respective gait must be correct. For example, the beat can be counted for checking purposes (four-beat in walk, two-beat in trot and three-beat in canter).

Basic gait: walk
Basic gait: walk © Benkert

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