Large pole square



In the middle of the riding arena, 12 poles are placed in a total of 4 small squares, resulting in a large square with a cross. Depending on the length of the poles and the desired level of difficulty of the exercise, the poles can touch at the corners or be laid out with a small distance between them. With the large square of poles a variety of exercises can be ridden: For example, a sepentine line can be ridden over the poles. However, many other exercises are also possible on the large pole square, such as riding over the poles as a row of poles from all sides. The diagonal riding over corners, the integration of volts and so on.

Tips and hints

To increase the level of difficulty, the poles can be stacked on top of each other at the corners, making the squares smaller and increasing some of the poles.

Large bar square
Large bar square © Victoria_Rubly

Training goal

The variety of poles and possible exercises demands the horse's full concentration and also trains coordination. Depending on the exercises ridden, different training goals can be achieved.

  • Relaxation
  • Activate hindquarters
  • Gymnastics
  • Coordination
  • Control
Large bar square © Victoria_Rubly

Our training tips

More knowledge for you

#Gymnastics #Activate the hindquarters #Control #Coordination #Looseness #Practical Exercises #Difficult #Poles and Pylones