In-out gymnastics



2 or more cavaletti's are placed about 3 meters apart on the circle line. These are ridden over at a canter. They can be ridden alternately further in or further out. By varying the distance, the horse must either jump through more ground covering or gather more strongly.

Tips and hints

In the beginning of the exercise, the horse should be able to canter over several poles lying on the ground and a single cavaletti without any problems. Start with only two cavaletti's. The number can then be slowly increased depending on the level of training. When overcoming the cavaletti, the horse should not make a big jump, but rather canter over it fluidly in the form of a lifted canter jump.

In-out gymnastics
In-out gymnastics © Victoria_Rubly

Training goal

During cavaletti work, the horse clearly arches its back, which improves back activity. In-out combinations are therefore particularly suitable for loosening and strengthening the back. Furthermore, the muscles of the hindquarters are strengthened. The variation on the circle line also stretches the outer muscles. The exercise has a strong gymnastic effect.

  • Looseness
  • Activate hindquarters
  • Gymnastics

Our training tips

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